Can A Mentor Help Academic Progress?

Can A Mentor Help Academic Progress?

Mentors help academics

Can A Mentor Help Academic Progress?

Academic support in all of its shapes and forms can facilitate an escalated learning process to help students advance swiftly in their academic lives. Whether it is extra coaching hours, summer courses, extended lectures, tutors, or mentorship, additional aids assist students in improving their academic growth. 


Acquiring the help of a mentor is an excellent positive reinforcement for a student to get one on one attention to augment their educational development. It gives students a role model to look up to and find support in. A mentor can be a teacher, counselor, advisor, or any accomplished volunteer. Having a mentor enables students to build strong relationships with a confidant with whom they can periodically evaluate their progress.

Teachers As Mentors 

About teachers playing the role of mentors, The Glossary of Education Reform states: “Strategies such as teaming or advisories may be used to build stronger and more understanding relationships between teachers and students. The general idea is that students will be better served and more effectively taught if teachers know students well and understand their distinct learning needs, interests, and aspirations.” 

When teachers are aware of the unique learning requirements of their students, they can create an atmosphere in their classrooms that accommodates all of their students. Teachers can come up with teaching strategies like visual aids, extra-curricular activities, or practical experiments to supplement the knowledge of their mentees.

Having More Than One Mentor

When it comes to the number of mentors that one should have, there are differing opinions. While some believe that mentorship is a sacred relationship of complete trust and confidence between a mentor and a mentee, others consider a piece of well-rounded advice to be more advantageous.

Multiple mentors provide students with the opportunity to benefit from the experience and knowledge of more than one person. Students can learn from their mistakes and benefit from encouragement and motivation from multiple sources. Mentors can point out faults in their mentees and advise them on how to overcome their weaknesses and enhance their personalities. 

Mentors can be helpful for young learners in several ways. They can help students set objectives for their future and devise strategies to achieve them. They provide a shoulder to cry on and give students someone to help them grow and thrive in their academic and personal life.

Whether you have one or more mentors does not matter; the benefits of having a personal advisor by your side are boundless.