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Trilogy In Motion is a family-run company created to close the opportunity gap using an individualized and intergenerational approach. 

Starting in 2014, one hardship after another struck our family, we needed help, but almost everyone we went to shrugged their shoulders and turned their backs. The community and its leaders responded to us with apathy. It seemed that the consensus was that our struggles were perceived as personal, singular, unrelatable—not a community issue.

Disability is the largest minority group in the United States of America and is considered the only group that anyone can join at any time. The sites that there are currently almost 50 million adult Americans living with disabilities right now. At the same time, the WHO acknowledges that there are more than one billion people with disabilities worldwide. 

As our family recovered, we worked hard to get back on track and overcome our obstacles; we did all we could, but our hard work was not enough. The opportunity gap began to widen more and more for us, and goals became dreams — indefinitely deferred. 

As a family, we decided that we would speak up and act! We would be the guides and that we wish we had, the direction that so many people don’t even know they need—After all, one of the most considerable aspects of the opportunity gap is lack of access which equals lack of exposure. We also realized we worked too hard during this process, disproportionately harder than our non-disabled peers and our non-Black peers. We were exhausting ourselves to keep up. We had to take a step back and decide how to stop this draining cycle for future generations. We wanted to thrive, not just survive.

The mission of closing the opportunity gap is very close to our hearts. We hope to continue to make accessible and engaging educational and lifestyle content that benefits the worldwide community. 

Have you learned something from us? Consider leaving us a donation to help us further and continue our work.

Each piece of content takes a great deal of time and effort, and we pour our hearts into what we do. We hope to continue to be a fun and upbeat resource that benefits the community — including educators, parents, caregivers, and kids.   

Establishing this website, YouTube channel, and complete social presence has been hard work, and that has also come with quite a lot of expenses. 

We know much of our business may look fun, please understand that it is quite heavy. We are tackling equity and inequality, financial readiness, special education and healthcare disparities (invisible illnesses/disabilities), generational wealth, racism, education, and mentorship development.

There are also many free ways you can support us through social media, start by:

Subscribing to our YouTube Channel and liking and sharing our videos with your family and friends. 

You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest

On Instagram, you can support us by sharing our posts with friends and family through DM (direct messaging) or share in your Instagram stories. Like our posts and comment to help boost post engagement—this way, more people see us.

On Facebook, you can support us by sharing our posts on your feed or your sites. You can also share our post through direct messaging. Please invite your friends to like our page. You can also share our YouTube videos on your Facebook page. 

On Pinterest, you can support us by following us on Pinterest and pinning our blog posts and videos to your boards. 

Lastly, join our email list to receive news and updates from us. 

Thank you,

The Spann Family